Thursday, April 26, 2012

How She Came To Be: Part One

I find it fitting that as I started writing this blog John Mayer's "Daughters" began playing on Pandora.  From the moment I found out I was pregnant with my first child my life has gone in an amazing direction - the one I had always dreamed of.  Sure, I've had my share of hormonal breakdowns and thoughts that I am not very good at this "mom" thing but, every time I see my little girl smile, I know I'm right on track.

I found out that I was pregnant with our first child in January of 2011 (January 25th, to be exact - I still have a note in my phone from that day).  We had only been trying to conceive for a little over a month, so imagine my surprise when I went to the gynecologist for a routine exam and found out I was about 3 weeks pregnant!!  We were blessed to conceive so quickly.  After that day I was so anxious - I had heard many stories of women miscarrying the first child they conceived.  For about 3 months I was on the edge of my seat.  Soon the morning sickness set in and I knew my little bean wasn't going anywhere. 

My pregnancy was blissful.  Being pregnant, at least for me, is an amazing feeling.  Once the morning sickness subsided, I had nothing but happy news each time I saw my midwife.  Some things I hadn't been expecting: I burst a blood vessel in my eye during my vomit-filled first trimester (graphic, I know, but you need to be prepared for these things if you're thinking of becoming a me), I craved ranch dressing, guacamole and beans more than anything else (mexican food was my drug of choice for almost 40 weeks), drinking water became impossible during my first trimester - it actually made me sick to think about at that time, my feet were so swollen near the end that I could only wear flip-flops (luckily it was summer).  Be ready for anything, ladies!  Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, but it can also surprise you. 

At 20 weeks my husband and I went in for the ultrasound to find out whether we were having a girl or a boy.  We both agreed that either way, we'd be happy...but I REALLY wanted a girl.  That day our little baby decided to help the tech figure it out the easy way - her legs were spread, there was no question: we were having a girl!  We both made sounds of joy when the tech told us; a little girl!  How perfect!!  From that day on we spent our time thinking about names, nursery colors, clothes - it was such an exciting time in our lives!  Just waiting to meet our little GIRL.

Eventually we settled on the name Delilah Rose.  I've heard people say that this name is a little "grown-up" for a baby, but isn't she going to be an adult someday?  I know the Delilah in the bible was a temptress who deceived Samson, but I don't subscribe to the bible - my little girl is her own Delilah, not some storybook character.  Most people exclaim that her name is cute or beautiful.  I agree.  And it fits her quite well.  I don't regret our name choice in any way. It's not a common name, but it's not "Pilot Inspektor" or "Apple" either.  It's the perfect mix of different and normal - just what I wanted.

I must say, my husband was incredible during my pregnancy.  Honestly, every woman should be treated the way I was while she's pregnant.  He did extra chores (after working a full day and commuting two hours), bought me cravings foods constantly, did all the shopping, took the harsh words I spewed in my hormonal stupor and never gave me grief...I could not have dreamed up a better father for my daughter in any respect.  He even offered to shave my legs if I needed help (I never took him up on it, but the gesture was so sweet).  Without him I would have been a mess.  And his help didn't wane after Delilah was born.  He took on the bulk of the work after I gave birth (more on that later) without complaint.  He has also been in love with his daughter since I first told him I was pregnant.  He talked to her daily while she was in my belly.  He read her stories, sang her songs, danced with her...such heartwarming memories that I will never forget. Our love for each other has grown from this as well.  We've been happily married for 2 years (together for 10) but having a child changed us in a good way.  We are learning to communicate even better than we did before becoming parents.  All of this has just been such a blessing, as well as the most important learning experience of our lives.

Eventually the day came when Delilah chose to enter the world.  On to Part Two: The Birth Story...

Delilah's Baby Shower - August 21, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I said awwww a few times reading this :) The 3 of you are the cutest little family.
